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PTC (Parent-Teacher Club)

Parents' - Teachers' Club (PTC)

What is the Wright Charter PTC?

The Wright Charter School Parent-Teacher Club is comprised of a devoted group of parents and teachers who are committed to providing students with activities that enrich their educational experiences. The members of this club raise money throughout the year in order to sponsor school sports, field trips, performing arts assemblies, provide classroom supplies, and address other needs as they come up throughout the year. We do this by putting together fun events for everyone in the family to participate in, and organizing other fundraisers like selling wrapping paper, spring bulbs, cookie dough and more. We thank you for your support.

Here are a few of the traditional events that PTC organizes, and we are always welcome to new ideas:

  • Back to school BBQ
  • Bingo Night
  • Pancake Breakfast
  • Movie Night
  • Spaghetti Dinner
  • Walk - A-Thon
  • Spring Carnival
  • Ice Skating Night

How can you help?

The Wright Charter School Parent-Teacher Club is always looking for volunteers to help with our fundraising events. Even if you have only an hour or a few hours available, your help is always welcome. We often need help making phone calls, organizing an event, getting donations to help make an event bigger and better, setting up or breaking down events, or even barbequing! If you are interested in volunteering, leading one of these events, or just have a new idea, please come to a meeting or send us an email.

When do we meet?

The Parent-Teacher Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM on Zoom. All members of the community are encouraged to attend and all ideas are welcome. Not only are you helping your school by volunteering with the PTC, you are having your voice heard in school programs and activities. It’s a win - win!

Translators are provided on request (and childcare for in-person meetings).

Who are we?

2022-23 Officers

Steve Stiles, President & Box Tops Coordinator,

Stacey Naples, Secretary, 

Kristin Stiles, Treasurer,